Smart Love (UPDATED)

So let me tell you about Jesus real quick:

The other day I spent about an hour trying to navigate the Politics of Friendship, trying to determine what God requires of me when it comes to loving people and how to love people who have hurt me. Yes, it took an hour to write, but its a struggle I’ve wrestled with for YEARS. So, what does God do? He sends me my answer THAT SAME EVENING in the form of a 30 secondDUH “word-for-the-day” audio/email from my pastor, Brett Fuller. So…30 seconds, huh? I’m just really slow then, huh? Ok. I hear you. And I receive it!

The Word, not just for today, for 2010 and beyond:

Hello beloved:

Pastor Brett here with another word for today. As important as love is, it still needs a little help. Wisdom is an invaluable additive to love. It keeps love from being misdirected or functioning in a manner unbecoming to a virtue. Paul prays in Philippians 1: 9-10 “I pray that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment so you that you may approve the things that are excellent.” Paul believes love should exist in abundance and that its best friends should be knowledge and discernment. These two ingredients added to love allow it to be focused and effective. They also allow one to know what good efforts should be continually supported and which need to end. Smart love creates the environment for transformation to occur more quickly. So today, focus on using intelligent love and watch how you’ll accomplish much more with less effort. Live right, live well. You’re the best.

UPDATE: My cousin, in all her wisdom, counseled me through text that “Galatians 6:1 answers ur ?” It does, indeed:

1 Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.

It amazes me how my most complex questions and problems seemingly have the simplest answers (30 seconds, 1 verse)–even if execution is a much more difficult process. Half-way there, I suppose.



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